Astazi am terminat de lucrat un corset, care poate fi purtat ca atare sau care poate deveni piesa dintr-o tinuta personalizata, in functie de ocazie.
Tot astazi, a venit pe la mine o prietena si, cum aveam nevoie de un decolteu care sa puna corsetul in valoare , am rugat-o sa-l imbrace pentru o sedinta foto ad-hoc.
very nice corset!
RăspundețiȘtergerewhere did you buy it? online shop?
come to my post
RăspundețiȘtergeresorry for answearing you a little bit late.
It was a simple corset that I have bought from a shop in Romania and, as I am a handmade artist, I have created this very special piece of work.
Thank you very much for your comment and look forward for your next visit on my blog.
Have a nice evening!